Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pretty on the Patio

"Fairy Flowers"
Primarily, I plant perennials in the gardens I've created around our cabin, because I love to see the flowering plants return year after year, but each spring I add a few annuals to the mix for color and interest.  This year, I planted the lovely lilac colored Speedwell flowers seen in the photograph above.  They were advertised as "fairy flowers" at our local nursery. They are so tiny and dainty.  The oregano in the planter behind them made a great comeback for its third season in a row.

The hummingbirds love our potted coral bells which have been especially bright and full of their tiny pink flowers this spring.  They prefer to feed from these flowers than the easier to get to nectar in the feeder that's right next to the plants!  It's mesmerizing to see their jewel toned figures with their long pointed beaks darting in and out of the coral bell plants.
Once again, I was treated to the company of our resident skink who put up with me taking a few more photographs.  You can see his pretty coloration as he looks at me.  The sunshine was so bright yesterday afternoon when I took these photos. The skink was not going to miss out on the comfort of the warming rays!
Before retreating into the safety of his lair in the retaining wall, I got one last shot.  This skink is actually about 12 inches long, mostly because of it's long tail.
There's still much to be done to get our gardens and planters ready for the season, but I've got a good start and enjoy the progress along the way!

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