Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Flower Show Continued ...

Our patio rose bush has grown huge this year!!!

Bright blossoms & many buds

Lovely peony

Chives in full bloom

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Natural Beauty

From the late 1700s until the early 1900s, the mountain woods our cabin is nestled into were clear cut. Trees were cut down and turned into charcoal to fuel the fires of the iron furnace. Back then, producing iron implements was our area's major industry. After recovering, our woods now are largely comprised of mature, new growth trees. Because so many areas were left bare and open to sunlight, a good portion of our trees are tulip poplars. These trees find such areas advantageous to their growth and commonly fill such forest gaps.

Tulip poplars are beautiful trees, one of my very favorites. They have tall straight trunks with large green "cat-shaped " leaves that turn gold in the fall. In spring, they have beautiful big flowers that look like tulips, hence their name.

This morning, my husband, Kevin, surprised me with an almost perfect tulip tree flower he'd found that had fallen to the ground from one of our trees.

Tulip tree tulip flower
Nature truly is amazing in the myriad of ways she provides beauty to our world!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Floral Photos of the Day

Remembering all those who fought for and those who sacrificed their lives for defending freedom & human rights … Happy Memorial Day.


Red Rose

White Azalea

Blue (Purple) Sage

Wild Blackberry

Peach Rose

Golden Beauty

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lone Iris

Since all of our iris flowers were eaten by deer last year, I was so happy to see this one in bloom this year!!!

Iris bloom with buds still to open

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Cake & Roses

It's a beautiful day today & my husband's 60th birthday!!!

Tiny stars cover a chocolate cake … HAPPY Birthday!!!

Here's to celebrating 6 decades of life!!!

Rosebush full of blossoms

Bright & Beautiful

Friday, May 22, 2020

Bunnies & Bears

This is the season for baby bunnies. We've seen them hopping about the yard and stopping to feed on the sweet clover that makes up a good portion of our lawn. We haven't seen any black bears this year yet, but we've seen evidence that they've been rooting around in our backyard. Overturned planters and a bent over bird feeder pole are sure signs that alert us to their rascally rummaging.

Baby Bunny Snacking on Clover

Current bear ACEO based on a past photo

Sunday, May 17, 2020

After a Gentle Rain

So many flowers in our gardens are bursting with color. Today brought a gentle rain which only made everything look more vibrant and lush.

A cascade of pink azaleas

Raindrops on azalea blossoms

Purple sage starting to bloom

Frilly fleabane

Huge clumps of rhododendron flowers

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Bunny

We didn't see the bunny on Easter, but we saw one today!

Sweet Cottontail Rabbit

Happy M💗THER'S Day!!!

New Spring Canopy

Fuzzy Baby Robins Asleep in the Nest

 Bleeding Hearts ~ One of my mother's favorites & mine, too

💗Hoping mothers everywhere enjoy their special day!!!

Pretty Mother's Day Morning

Bright Morning Sun Rises in the East

Pink Azaleas Against Chestnut Oak

Buds Soon to Open Glow in the Sun

An Early Morning Riser

First Bean Plant to Sprout

Buttery Yellow Pansies

Purple & White Columbines

Thursday, May 7, 2020

ACEO of the Day

"Deep in the Forest"

Saturday, May 2, 2020

May's Flower

Right on time, our Lily of the Valley flowers are blooming!!!

One flower stalk ...

... in a sea of many