Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Visit to the Watershed

For a change in scenery, we took a drive through a portion of the Frederick County watershed today. What follows are some of the sights we saw along the way.

A narrow gravel road runs through the watershed

Sparkling mountain stream

Large still pools are good for fishing

It was a surprise to find healthy hemlock trees

Partridge berries & dwarf ginseng at a roadside pull-off

Coltsfoot flower puffs lined both sides of the drive

Dainty Maryland Golden Asters

Huge rock out-cropping

Easter Tiger Swallowtail

New Tulip Poplar leaves & coltsfoot puff balls in the background

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Focused on the Small

Red-spotted Purple Caterpillar on Black Cherry

Tiger Swallowtail on Azalea

Garden Snail Hiding in Hosta

Pretty Yellow Garden Flowers

Bumble Bee on Pansies

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Little Night Magic

Tonight, Shanti discovered and alerted us to a Luna Moth that was clinging on the outside of our window, attracted by the inside light. These are ethereal creatures and we rarely see them, so it is quite magical when we do :)

Shanti spots the moth

In for a closer look

The lovely Luna Moth

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Few More ...

First Swallowtail Butterfly of the Season

White-Throated Sparrow

Bumblebee Enjoys the Lilacs

Happy Earth Day

Fern Fiddle Heads

Baby Fern

White Oak ~ My Favorite Tree

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

On the Eve of Earth Day

Mother Earth Needs Us!!!

Love Your Mother
 Earth Day 50th Anniversary

I offer my points to ponder:

A mother who truly loves her children does all she can to nurture and protect and encourage to support their healthy development. At times when a child goes astray, a mother guides and chides, if necessary, and she shares the wisdom of her years. A mother’s guiding principle is love and she hopes for a good, productive, and happy life for her children. Her patience is nearly endless, that is unless she is confronted with continual lack of respect and regard from ungrateful, wayward children.

We are all collectively children of Mother Earth. For many years, our Mother nurtured generations of us, and She continues to provide for us with her endless bounty of fresh air, water, and natural resources. She also shields us from harm ~ an ozone layer protects us from harmful radiation, winter snow melt helps provide for a healthy spring growing season, and rain continually waters our crops. Her lakes, oceans, and rivers provide not only precious food resources, but boundless beauty, as do her mountains, meadows, and forests. Our Mother provides us with everything we need to survive and thrive.

What do we do to show our respect and gratitude for such a giving Mother? As we all know, most show alarming disrespect for the Earth … polluting the air, water, and soil with harmful chemicals, and using every precious natural resource beyond a capacity to regenerate. We’ve been greedy, selfish over-consumers who have shown a lack of respect and regard for all that we’ve been given. For a long, long time, our disregard was met by a patient Mother … but the abuses continued. As a result of our continual selfish, uncaring ways, Mother Earth cannot tolerate our behavior anymore. Her glacial ice is melting at an alarming rate, flooding, wild fires, and storms are out of control, a multitude of species are dying off, and now, a lethal, global coronavirus is threatening us all. Did we listen and act considerately when we could? Did we heed the warnings? Some did, but many didn’t … and now we are all paying the price for that overwhelming disrespect. It really is no wonder we are facing all we are today.

The question going forward is simple. What will we do now? Once the coronavirus, our ultimate wake-up call, passes, will we continue with “business as usual,” or recognize that it is our greed and lack of respect that ultimately brought us collectively to our knees? We’ve been forced to take a good long look at the error of our ways … now, if only we will truly see that we need to change course and do what we can to mend those ways. Our lives and our Mother Earth depend on it, if we are to endure.

Our Mother has been endlessly giving and patient, and it’s long overdue that we treat Mother Earth with the respect She truly requires and deserves. Everyday is Earth Day!!!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Getting Greener Everyday

New Leaves on the Cherry Tree

The Woods are Greening Up More & More

Lilacs Coming Along Nicely

Columbine Among the Chive Buds

Seldom Seen

Rarely ever seen flower of our snake plant!

Our house plants love the morning sun that shines in on them from the east. Today, I discovered a flower stalk on the snake plant. It's common for our African Violets to be in bloom, with their various shades of pink and purple, but we hardly ever see the snake plant this sight is a treat!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Soggy Saturday

Having rained most of the night, it was very wet outside when I got up this morning. Despite the absence of sunshine, our backyard was alive with brightness, thanks to all the flowers that are open now...a cheery sight to see!

Wet Backyard Gardens

Mass of hot pink azalea blossums

So pleased with the vigor and spread of this bleeding heart plant. Last year, I transplanted to its current spot where it now lends the perfect splash of color!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Words of Old for Today

Emerson's words from yesteryear are relevant for today.

We are all facing difficult times due to the coronavirus which has spread round the world and affected so many in devastating ways. The social activities we enjoy are on hold as we shelter in place. Many are out of work, farm crops are spoiling while people go hungry, many are sick and many have died. Our hospital workers desperately do all they can to save lives while risking their own to do so. The failures, due to a lack of preparedness for this pandemic, are apparent in all aspects of our lives.

Our patience certainly has been stretched thin … but it is definitely necessary to maintain and be the basis of decision making as our world starts to come out from under the siege of the virus and reopen. Our sages, like Emerson, composed wise, timeless words to live by. Eventually, the virus will lessen, a viable vaccine will be developed, and we can safely rebuild and go about our lives ... given we show patience in the process.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Day Photos

Still have a bit of a valley view … but not for long!

Lilac buds & fresh green leaves

A frisky gray squirrel

Buds on the Azalea Bush

Happy Easter to You

🐰🌼Wishing you a day of comfort & peace🌷🐥

Holiday Decorations

Cheery Eastertime ACEOs

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Time to Bloom

Many of our flowers & trees are in full bloom…a pretty time of year!

Pendulous Bleeding Hearts

Sassafras Tree Flowers

Redbud Tree in Full Bloom

Sunny Yellow Dandelion

Bright Azalea Bush

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Sunny Side 🌞

Every cloud has a silver lining … so … ⛅

Look on the sunny side 😊

Trees are getting green again 🌳

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Flower Fairy

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."

~William Blake

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bird is the Word 🐦

Pair of mourning doves cross our country road


 Daily Visiting Cardinal


Canada Goose