Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"We Are One"

A beautiful point to ponder ~

"Peace ... comes within the souls of men
when they realize their relationship,
their oneness, with the universe
and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the
center of the Universe dwells Creator,
and that this center is really everywhere,
it is within each one of us."
~Black Elk, Oglala Sioux

Monday, November 26, 2012


Our lovely daughter was with us for the Thanksgiving holiday, and, as always when we get together, we enjoyed many heart felt, intense conversations.  A question arose about bravery.  Desi wondered what others might see in her to use that word of description when it came to her. I told her I thought it was valid for what she exemplifies through her actions and deeds.  But just what does that mean?
To me, being brave, or exhibiting bravery, means the willingness to take healthy risks to move forward.  The brave person is one who is not afraid of the challenge of hard work and of facing adversity head on if it means doing so will lead to a better place.  It often means taking the long, harder road, instead of the short, easier one, because ultimately the longer, steeper climb will reap greater benefit.
On a personal level, being brave is the willingness to be authentic ~ to discover who you truly are and be loyal and true to your own identity ~ admitting faults, and, when necessary, working on those things one can change, and fully acknowledging the traits and values that make you unique and special and then using those strengths to be giving and loving.  Being brave is also the ability to see the big picture, not allowing oneself to get bogged down by petty details, and striving for ideals even if those ideals may ultimately be unattainable ... it's the dreaming and reaching for the stars that keeps one looking up, striving, and growing.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going ... and the brave persevere.  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunrise ~ Sunset

This morning's sunrise looked more like a sunset.  The sky was a canvas of brilliant reds, oranges, pinks and purples.  The colors faded almost as quickly as they appeared with all the bright hues morphing into pale pastels. By sun up, the sky was simply a solid shade of baby blue.  Within minutes, the incredible display of color was over. I felt extra lucky to have been up early to see such a beautiful sky.  It was quite a way to start the day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Most Grateful

The holiday season with all its festivities is almost here.  As I age, I still enjoy the sense of busyness and purpose that combines with the celebrating, but I also make sure to take time to reflect on what I find most meaningful.  There are so many reasons to be grateful, but for the purpose of writing a brief blog, I will limit myself to five.  I decided to do this by thinking of the way a hand is traced by young children to form the body of a turkey, with the thumb the head and the four fingers as tail feathers ~ five parts, so five things.
My short, simple list ~

And a PS ~ I am incredibly grateful our Pacey cat has turned the corner and is on her way back to strength and good health.  The smile has returned to her eyes and to our hearts :)

May you find peace and beauty in this season of giving and gratitude.

 HAPPY Thanksgiving!!!!