Saturday, August 29, 2020

From Summer to Fall

Even though we're still experiencing hot summer weather, nature is showing definitive signs that the seasonal wheel is slowly tilting towards autumn. The flowers of summer are losing their luster, leaves are just starting to turn color, and hummingbirds are stocking up for their long migration to warmer climates for the cooler months ahead. Replacing the sparkle of fireflies in the night sky is a hum arising from a chorus of katydids, crickets, and locusts. They'll add their music to the night until the first frost.

Sassafras leaves just beginning to change color

Look closely to see the female ruby-throated hummingbird

Last of the summer roses

By day, a katydid rests in the lilac tree

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Cat Close-Ups



A kiss for the camera 💕

Sunny Sunday Morning

Good morning, Mr. Goldfinch!

Sunrise through the trees

Clouds lit up by the sun

Hot pink crepe myrtle blossoms

Bunny on the patio

Monday, August 17, 2020

Butterfly Day

If yesterday was "deer day," today is "butterfly day." I counted no less than 10 black swallowtail butterflies flitting around the zinnia garden all at one time this morning. Skipper butterflies accompanied the bigger swallowtails among the zinnia flowers. At the same time, tiger swallowtails enjoyed the butterfly bush flowers. All of them were so busy feeding on flower nectar that they didn't seem to notice or be bothered by me photographing them.

Zinnia garden alive with butterflies

Black Swallowtail Side View

Black Swallowtail Open Wings

Skipper Butterfly

Tiger Swallowtail Side View

Tiger Swallowtail Open Wings

Sunday, August 16, 2020

PS Photos

A banner day for seeing deer, to be sure!!! A few hours after we saw the first group come through, we had a group of 5 bucks of various ages out in front ... the mens' club 😊

The five bucks ... one of them mostly hidden behind tree

Amazing 10 point buck!!!
I'm pretty sure no local hunters look at my blog ... if they did, I wouldn't post these photographs!!!

Deer Day

It's been thrilling to see deer come through our yard recently. For so long, because of so few sightings, I wondered if the deer population had dwindled down to almost nothing. Today's sightings reaffirmed that we do indeed have a few deer here!!!

Eight Point Buck

Arrival of a younger buck

Six Point Buck

Two does arrive, this one receives a kiss

Pretty doe

Handsome buck

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Early Morning Photo Shoot

Young doe among the flowers

Eating the flowers!

Foraging with a photo bombing bunny in the upper left

Hmmm ... I wonder which color zinnia tastes best?

Looking at the chives

Looking at you 😊

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Bees, Bunnies, & Butterflies

Pair of bees circle the center of the flower

Bunny pauses to pose while snacking

Tiny butterfly shares a flower head with a tinier bee