Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fun With Color

Ferns and Grasses
I've always enjoyed potching with paints and mixing color.  My latest art cards have reflected this love of blending and coordinating colors.  The pieces I'm posting here are more free-flowing than most of my other paintings.  Neither were drawn in pencil outline first, but simply painted directly and colors mixed on the paper until the desired effect was achieved. 

Both of the pieces above were purchased by a favorite patron who's shown great appreciation for my artwork.  It's such a joy to share my art, especially with those who truly find enjoyment in what I come up with in my paintings!  I'm glad this individual got the pair. Even though they feature different colors, they share a botanical woodland theme, and I like how the colors of both fit together

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Remembrance in February

After the death of my dear Uncles The and Bob in late 2011, I planted a simple fall garden of pansies in their memory.  Last spring, the biennial blooms returned and the photograph above pictures one of those lovely opened blossoms.  Little did I know at the time, but I had planted a symbolically meaningful garden, as pansies represent loving thoughts and memories and the blue color represents peace, tranquility, and healing.
The month of February is full of memories and important dates.  My daughter was born on February 23.  She shares her birth month with my Mother, February 28, my Great Step-Grandmother, February 8, and my Uncle Bob and Grandfather, February 4. The birthdays of notable American leaders Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are commemorated this month, too.  February 8 is also the day of my kidney transplant, the 3rd anniversary this year. Ground Hog's Day, February 2 marks the passing of my oldest brother, Jeff.  And, we can't forget Valentine's Day, celebrating romantic love, on the 14th!
February is a month that stands out amongst the rest for me as a special one of loving remembrances.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Congregation of Deer

At the end of winter, we see lots of deer around the cabin.  In the colder months, when the trees are leafless and animals are more exposed, the herd sticks close for safety.  We've seen as many as 18 together at one time. Each evening just before the sun goes down, the deer make a circuit loop through the woods and stop at our goldfish pond for water before they bed down for the evening.  The younger members of the herd love to play. They kick up their heels, butt one another, and frolic, as their elders calmly nibble at any bits of vegetation they might find.  Today, the youngsters  decided to play "king of the hill."  The victor maintained his perch atop the wood pile of logs from last fall's cutting, shoving off any of the others who tried to dethrone him. As you can see, he seemed to enjoy striking his victory pose above :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Day in D.C.

Washington Monument at Sunset
  Views of the Capitol Building

Smithsonian Castle Building

On President's Day, Kevin and I traveled to Washington, D.C. to take in the sights.  Our nation's capital is home to so many beautiful old buildings which leave one in awe of the architectural feats of days gone by.  My favorite museum is the Natural History Museum.  We were treated to a virtual feast of color in the museum's temporary exhibit of Latin American orchids.
Orchid Display in Natural History Museum  


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Living Love

Live now.
  When you are eating eat.
When you are loving, love.  When you
are talking with someone talk.  When you are
looking at a flower, look. Catch the
beauty of the moment.

~Leo Buscaglia