Thursday, May 26, 2016


I'm not the only admirer of our purple flowers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pretty in Purple

The color purple reigned supreme among our flowers today!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Little Black Cat

After losing the love of my life cat Jasper to cancer last July, I didn't know that I would ever continue my little black cat miniature paintings, so popular with my customers.  Jasper was my inspiration.  Although Jasper always remains close in my heart, our sweet new Shanti cat brings us such joy and she's reignited my desire to create my imaginative outdoor scenes with a curious little black cat enjoying whatever scenario she's in the middle of.  Today, I painted the little black cat in a colorful garden admiring a tiny hummingbird seen above.  Jasper loved being outside on the patio amongst the flowers, so it's also a fitting tribute to her.
Shanti is such a pretty model!

The 'little black cat" series lives on ...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Profusion of Pink

Chive buds and blossoms
So many bleeding hearts!

Big and bright rhododendron blooms...

May showers brought on the flowers!!!  So much pink appeared in just the last few days around our yard.  It's dazzling to the eye.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Back Again

The rainy day didn't keep the hummingbirds away!

After getting his fill at the feeder, this male hummer takes a break.
We're so pleased these tiny, feisty birds are back again!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

After the Rain

It was a rainy day today.  After the showers tapered off, I went outdoors to stroll around our yard.  There was a flurry of activity for some of our backyard denizens and a "drying out" period for others.

Here is a sample of the sights I took in ~
Chipmunk munching on a red maple seed


A busy bee
Azalea blossom with water droplets


Butterfly trying to dry!