Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Spring is Here ... in February???

Day Lily Sprouts

Sassafras Tree Buds

Tulip Sprouts

New Leaves on Butterfly Bush

Cherry Tree in Bloom

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Love one another and have a sweet day ... today & every day ❤

Monday, February 13, 2017


Another year finds me still creating miniature paintings, Art Card Editions & Originals, or simply ACEOs.  I find it so pleasurable to create these tiny works of art.  My focus is almost always a nature theme ... anything I find beautiful to share.

My latest little painting is called "Black Bear in Aspen Forest."  The bear is almost hidden among the camouflaging colors, but his black fur stands in striking contrast to the white barked aspen trees behind him.  I really enjoyed the color combinations and contrasts in this one.



Thursday, February 9, 2017


We had sun instead of the expected snow today.  Sun rays brightened the already gloriously bright red amaryllis plant.  Our plant has three stalks and all of its blooms are opening at one time, making an incredibly beautiful floral display.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Painted in Her Honor

Today is the 8th Anniversary of my kidney transplant.  To honor my daughter, who was my donor, I painted this hummingbird ACEO ... full of life in a favorite flower garden.  My "pet" name for my daughter is hummingbird, so, it is a fitting tribute for her brave and selfless gift to me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Who's Looking at Who?

On this fine February day, it was up in the 60s here ... springtime weather in winter!
Our Shanti cat is so tiny that she can comfortably sit on the window sill to look outside. And what, you might ask, was keeping her attention on this unusually warm day?

These two young does who found her equally as fascinating!