Friday, October 17, 2014

PS: Parting Shot

My hair has thinned, but, as of this photograph my husband Kevin took this afternoon, I still had hair.  I've already undergone my first chemotherapy treatment for Stage IIIB breast cancer.
Another fight for life has begun.  I feel like a warhorse having already been through the kidney transplant and previous major medical issues.  Confronting cancer is just the latest battle.  Finding out about the cancer initially blindsided us, but there really wasn't that much time to stop and let fear gain a foothold.  I am so fortunate ~ my forever loyal and devoted husband, my generous and spirited daughter, and my good friends lend me strength and inspiration and even keep me laughing through the harder times. 
This will be my final blog. My focus needs to be health, family, close friends, and centering.  
I've truly enjoyed sharing with all of you who have come across "my little corner of the Internet."
My message, my "point to ponder," remains constant ~ Live life peacefully, be loving and kind, and continue to treasure the everyday beauty that abounds in nature.
Keep looking up ...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Break

We're still seeing some late migrating butterflies.  I saw this Comma Butterfly just a few days ago. It rested and sunned its wings on our back steps, long enough so that I could take the photograph above to remember her by and share with you.  Notice the notch under each front wing resembling the comma symbol.  This was a first time sighting for me.  I'd seen a Question Mark Butterfly a few years earlier, but this was my first Comma :)
I thought a post about the Comma was a fitting post to serve as a pause to my blog.  Life has thrown us an unexpected turn of events, and I may not be as frequent a contributor to my blog in the coming days.  Then again, I may be back posting my thoughts and sharing nature's beauty through my photos sooner than I anticipate ... but for now... , 
May you always find peace and beauty in the world of nature.