Saturday, August 28, 2010

Two that are New

Above is my latest watercolor painting. It was a challenge to paint this momma robin bringing a grasshopper to feed her hungry babies...but it was fun to try to capture a realistic look and feel of this gentle scene. With Spring long past and Autumn just around the corner now, baby robins have grown and flown the nest. The cycle will continue with those young robins returning next year to build nests of their own. They'll lay their light blue eggs that will hatch into wide mouthed babies begging for all the worms, grubs, and other insects these new mothers can provide.

And...a new butterfly sighting! A Red Spotted Purple arrived yesterday to catch some rays on our patio. It's underside had brick-red colored spots and the blue on it's wings was brilliantly iridescent. After warming itself in the sunshine, it fluttered off and away towards the cool shade of the woods.

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