Thursday, August 22, 2019

Saving Grace

This summer is such a hot, dry one, and it's affecting every living thing. Today, a beautiful, young wood thrush bonked into our window, the first bird in a very long time to do so, but not surprising given the harsh, hot conditions. Immediately, I went into rescue mode, gentle picking the thrush up in my soft, gloved hands and cradling it. It was dazed, but seemed okay otherwise. Kevin took the photograph above, as we sat together in the shade. When she seemed to perk up a bit, I slowly walked over to the grass right next to the woods and sat down with her there, so she could clearly see ahead and know she had an easy exit plan when ready. We sat together a little while longer. Then she gently pecked at my gloved hand, looked back at me, and flew off to the limb of an oak tree in the woods just beyond. I treasure seeing a bird so close and being able to interact with it for a few precious moments, but it's so gratifying when it flies free again. The wood thrush graces our summers with its melodious song, one of the prettiest songs one will ever hear. So, even though our time together was short, I named this sweet wood thrush Grace, and she is amazing :)

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