Spring is a time of new beginnings. Plants sprout, fresh green leaves unfurl, and buds open to the warmth of the sun.
Lilac buds unfold
For some of nature's creatures, Spring is a time of travel. In April, the slate-colored junco head to Alaska and Canada to breed and raise young in cooler northern climes. We'll greet these spritely little "snowbirds" next winter when they migrate south again.
A female junco pauses as if to say goodbye before heading north.
I hold a lifelong passion and appreciation for the natural world and all its wonders. I believe we're all interconnected and that conservation is the most critical issue we need to grasp and put into play.
For peace to have a standing chance, I believe we need to seek and build on common ground and deepen compassion for others.
I'm inspired by all those who dare to dream and express themselves in creative, positive ways.
Maryland has always been my home and my husband and I currently reside in the lovely Catoctin Mountains.
Expressing myself through art and writing has always been a joy!
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