Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On Closer Inspection

Our pond comes alive with activity in spring.  As you get closer and closer, you see more and more.

 The goldfish frolic in the cool water underneath a blue flag iris.  The blooms last only a few days.


A green frog rests under the cover of leaves and ferns.  His mrrping songs liven up our evenings.


A huge dragonfly keeps a vigilant watch over the pond, frequently leaving his perch and roving for flying insects.  As I approached the pond, this guy let me know that I was trespassing on "his" territory and flew right towards me to try to scare me off, yet later decided to sit still long enough to pose for the photograph above.  His gossamer wings shimmered in the sunlight in a kaleidoscope of colors ~ so beautiful!

Metallic green bodied damselflies and skittish cabbage white butterflies are frequent visitors to the pond, too, along with the striking yellow and black tiger swallowtails that flit over head.  On hot, sunny afternoons, various birds come for brief soaks.  After dunking in the water, they perch on the benches on either side of the pond and shake their feathers dry.  Deer and squirrels come to sip the cool water, too.  A very pregnant deer showed up for a drink the other day.  It won't be long now until we see the adorable spotted fawns along side their mothers.

The pond hums with activity all through spring and summer and into fall.  When the cold chill of winter arrives, the pond quiets considerably, many of it's inhabitants hibernating for the winter.  Spring is always such a vibrant time with abundant life at it's most active both day and night.

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