February is a very important month in my life, filled with important events and poignant memories. Two of the most important people to me were born in February. My mother was born on February 28th and my daughter Desirae came into the world on February 23rd. I'm not sure how it all started, but each of us have spirit birds. My Mom was nicknamed "Bluebird of Happiness," she nicknamed me her "Little Chickadee," and Desirae became my "Feisty Little Hummingbird." Our namesake totems fit us all very well, too.
February 8th will be the two year anniversary of the kidney transplant when Desirae donated one of her kidneys to me so that I might go on to live a long, happy life and keep my eye on my feisty little one :) What an experience the transplant was to share with my daughter!!!
On Ground Hog's Day, February 2nd in 2009, my beloved brother Jeff passed away ~ certainly a sad day for us all, but, especially for Jeff and his love of sunny summer days, a fitting day for his departure after the Paxutauny Phil's prediction for 6 more weeks of winter. It could be said that Jeff maintained his sense of humor to the end by exiting the physical world when he did. It would be just like him to go out giggling. It somehow eases the pain to think of things this way. Jeff would have wanted to provide comfort to others at his passing, too...so, who knows? Life is a mystery!
And, of course, February 14th is Valentine's Day, a day I will celebrate forevermore because of and with the love of my life, my husband Kevin.
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