Here it is just the end of October and we already experienced our first snow day! Usually, we don't see any snowflakes until December around here. It was a messy, wet snow today. At times, it looked like the sky was throwing down snowballs. Big clumps of snow fell from the sky and thudded on the cabin roof. As you can see from the photo above, it was quite messy as Kevin retrieved our mail today!
Ordinarily, the leaves are long gone from most of the deciduous trees by the time we have snow, but a lot of the tree leaves are still green and others just turning yellow and red. The wind blew pretty fiercely at times today and it was not only snowing but raining leaves, too. It was a good day to stay indoors!
I think you should try to paint this picture - the one of K. It's very Norman Rockwellian.