Thursday, April 14, 2011

My New Year

I think January 1st is a day to think of resolutions on a collective basis...what can we all do to resolve to make the world a better place? A birthday provides an opportunity to reflect on one's own life and make a personal resolve to make efforts to change what one can to better him or herself. Today is my 53rd birthday...a day for celebrating the beginning of yet another year of the gift of life and a day to think about what I want to do to grow and give more of myself in a way that brings meaningfulness to my own life and others. The past year was one of vulnerability. I'd just had a kidney transplant and was learning how to adapt to the multitude of medications I must take to preserve the health of the precious new kidney valiantly pumping away inside of me. I was physically weak from the surgery, often quite sick from the medications, and emotionally more sensitive than usual. I felt like a turtle without a shell. Even though I made progress and got stronger with time, a sense of having to be ever so cautious overwhelmed me and affected my eagerness to expand my horizons. I felt more like I should hole up and be guarded. Even though I still face health challenges that need to be addressed and resolved, this year I hope to get back on my feet, so to speak, and strengthen mind and body more and more. Kevin and I would like to get back to the hikes and backpack trips we love so much. It will literally be a step by step process...but I'm feeling ready to do what it takes to get beyond the limitations that hindered me last year and move forward to get back to these activities and others we wish to pursue. So, my main new year's resolution as I step towards birthday 54 will be to face life with greater boldness...knowing the time to push myself has come. As I become stronger and more secure, I will naturally have more to give to those I love and to those causes to which I want to dedicate my time and attention. Spiritual and political leader Muhatma Gandhi brilliantly stated, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Obviously a very wise, compassionate man, Gandhi gave us all a challenge with his words ... a challenge I would like to start to better meet in this, my 53rd year.

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