My topic for pondering and discussion today is determination. Going with the flow, even when the waters are rough. Making the best of a bad situation...and maybe even finding something pretty good about your new circumstances.
The inspiration for today's blog came in the form of a most curious insect - a walking stick. Few creatures have been better named. The walking stick looks exactly like it's name - it's a living, mobile twig!
Today, I was doing a bit of garden clean-up. My cone flowers needed to be trimmed back and the plastic trellis in front of them stored for the winter. As I lifted the trellis from its spot in front of the cone flowers, I found the above pictured walking stick clinging to the back side. I had upset his refuge and hiding place and felt compelled to find another place to drop him off since the trellis was going into the shed - no place for a walking stick of the insect type.
The fragile looking walking stick teetered nervously on my hand, but waited until I found a small oak tree to scurry off. I was thinking I should try to get a photo of this stick-like camouflage expert, but had other garden chores to tend to at the time. The walking stick accepted his new perch with little fuss. I was sure by the time I was finished with my outdoor activities he would be long gone.
Two hours later, I returned to the little oak tree and there he was! Not only was the walking stick still amongst the oak leaves, he willingly posed for photo after photo, until I was satisfied that I had gotten at least one shot that would show off his best attributes. He'd had quite a day - being discovered by a giant human and being transported to a new location by said human...and then, after having found the new digs not so bad and starting to unwind, being rediscovered and photographed in them - definitely displaying true grit, going with the flow, and making the best of what had to have been quite an unsettling experience! I guess we all could pick up some pointers from such a brave, adaptable little dude!
I just love quotes. The quote that follows seemed a very fitting end to this blog. It made me chuckle, too. It was written by a gentleman by the name of Robert W. Service. I have no idea who he is or was, but I would imagine this guy knew a thing or two about determination, too :)
It's the plugging away that will win you the day
So don't be a piker old pard!
Just draw on your grit; it's so easy to quit -
It's the keeping your chin up that's hard.
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