This afternoon, I went out with camera in hand to be at the ready for any opportunities that might arise for good photographs. Kevin and I had spied a young red fox when we were heading down our driveway the other day. I've been hoping to see him again...and hoping even more to get a picture of him! On this occasion, I didn't even see a squirrel or a I needed to look on a smaller scale to get some interesting photos.
The first photo was one I was hoping to take of a Monarch caterpillar or butterfly. We have a giant milkweed plant growing right in front of the cabin. The milkweed is the host plant for the magnificent Monarch...but today, at least, the plant was hosting a shiny Japanese!
My next photographic subject, this winesap berry, stood out like a beacon against its green foliage. It was glowing bright red in the sun. The winesap berries are a favorite of birds and mammals alike...and on top of this particular berry sat a tiny, light green insect nymph of some!
The honeybees were buzzing around the coneflowers this afternoon. I was happy to see so many of them come and go, enjoying their snacking and gathering. With honeybee populations dwindling, it's always good to see these little guys at!
Finally, the delicate hosta flowers are opening, and they are so pretty! Last year, the deer ate all our hosta plants down to nubs before they even had the chance to flower. This year, the deer have had plenty to munch on in the woods surrounding the cabin, so our hostas and their lovely flowers have!
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