As of this blog post, the presidential election has not been called, although Joe Biden is decidedly ahead and has taken the lead in states that will determine results. In striking contrast to Donald Trump, Joe Biden presents himself as a steadying force, offering calm to the country, and he's urged patience as votes slowly come in from those states yet to complete their ballot counts. Biden, along with his highly competent running mate Kamala Harris, is poised and ready to lead our divided, pandemic ridden nation. The job will not be an easy one, to be sure, but Biden is an experienced stateman whose life's work has been dedicated to public service. As difficult as it all will be, he truly is who the United States and the global community need to see us all through to better days.
Election news aside, there are other updates. Our snowbirds have returned! The juncos are such cute, endearing little birds. They are actively hopping around our patio nibbling on seeds and bits of vegetation. At times, our resident cardinal joins them, and all of them share and get along as if they are life long pals. Perhaps, we have something to learn from our bird friends :) Plus, as the seasons slowly get ready to make the shift to winter, a last burst of golden leaves are adding radiance to the landscape. The autumn colors otherwise are waning, but the golds stand out in their beautiful vibrancy.
Junco feeding on dried Black-Eyed-Susan seeds |
Patio turtle watches over one of many juncos |
Maple tree in golden glory |
My favorite White Oak |