It's already mid-year, and what a year it's been. The devastating coronavirus continues to plague the world, and lives continue to be lost. Many people have lost jobs and face losing their homes. Anger and anguish are spilling over into the streets, after yet another black man was detained and murdered by high adrenaline, out of control police officers. While the brother of this man called for peace, some protestors turned to violence. The horrible nature of events grow more so with the inept and monstrously ignorant leadership from the president. November and the election can't arrive soon enough. If ever there was a need for change, it's now. I hold out hope that it's totally clear to a majority of voters that restoration of strength, civility, and justice can only come through new leadership in this country. Our democracy depends on it.
Meanwhile, there is still beauty to be found, with nature providing a respite for the weary through its endless marvels. Flowers are blooming and birds are busy fetching food for their hungry nestlings. Especially at this time, when our hearts are heavy and our spirits low, we need to remember there will always be good in the world and strive to contribute to the better part of our own human nature.
Here are a few of the sights in our yard from the first days of June.
A robin grasps an earthworm it will take to feed its young |
A pair of volunteer fox glove flower stalks |
Star-like mountain laurel flowers begin to open |
Azaleas bloom for the birds |
Sweetgum leaves |
Male brown-headed cowbird |