Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Will to Survive

This season the Black-Eyed-Susans were due to become a field of gold.  The plants I'd planted in earlier years spread into a huge mass.  Then, the deer came along and literally mowed the plants and flowers to be down to the nub.  Not to be deterred, a few wily flowers meandered their way through the patch of bee balm that the deer don't like to eat. Today, two bright blooms welcomed me with their sunny glow, and there are more buds to open soon.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Shelter from the Rain

We had a brief rain shower here today.  Momma deer had her twin fawns keeping as dry as possible under our little sassafras tree.  We're seeing the fawns so much this summer season. They are so cute that I can't stop taking their pictures when I'm given the chance!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The Heat is On ...

The oppressive summer heat we're experiencing effects us all.  Our native wildlife are making rather unusual choices just to get out of the sun's beating rays.  The cottontail bunny above chose to sit on a pile of thorny droppings under the shade of a rose bush on our patio ~ ouch!  The deer have totally flattened our day lilies into sleeping matts and spend their nap times right next to our house.  It's nice to know that the place we call home is so welcoming to other animals, too :)

Monday, July 10, 2017

Out Exploring

Camouflaged with white spots amongst the white aster flowers this sweet little fawn enjoyed a sunny afternoon, with Mom and sibling close at hand.

Friday, July 7, 2017

For the Monarchs ... and more

Bright pink zinnia
To assist the Monarch Butterfly, whose population has been in decline over the years largely due to habitat destruction, I've planted a variety of native milkweed plants, host plant for this species.  The milkweed plants are thriving in their sunny spot edging our backyard gardens. Monarch butterflies won't migrate through our area until early fall, but, in the meantime, the flowering milkweeds are attracting lots of pollinators, including wasps, bees, and flies, who seem to love their clusters of tiny flowers.  I also planted zinnias which are a magnet for honey bees.  Zinnias are so easy to grow from seed, and though they are annuals and will need to be planted again the following year, they are definitely a good addition to the gardens since the bees love them and they are pretty to look at, too!

Pink Swamp Milkweed

White Swamp Milkweed & Wasps

Night Sky & Fireflies

Field aglow at night with tiny firefly lights

One of my favorite parts of the summer season is the arrival of fireflies.  Blinking their lights, they look like miniature low-lying stars above yards and fields.  These magical insects are only around for a brief time, and always around here for the 4th of July.  When I was a little girl, we collected the glowing insects in jars in a contest to see who could catch the most.  I rarely won the contests, but I was always mesmerized by the fireflies ability to shine and glow.  My mother always had us release any fireflies we caught after the "winner" was determined among my siblings and me. When I was a young child, I never quite got why we had to let them go, but I fully appreciate it now that my mother was wise enough and kind enough to make us do so!  

Saturday, July 1, 2017

New Month, New Life

Happy July, Happy Summer!!!