Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Holiday Season to All


The winter season is a time of many different traditional and cultural celebrations, each with its own theme, but universally it is a season to celebrate love, peace, and joy.  Wishing all a peaceful season filled with love and joy!!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Solstice

The shortest day of the year was stark and gray.  Tomorrow, and each day thereafter, will be longer and lighter, but today winter began on a somber note.  The winter season provides us an opportunity to go inward and reflect upon each moment.  It also gives us the chance to slow down and call up our fondest memories.  Winter, in all its bleakness, gently reminds us to treasure the peace and solace it offers.  It is a time for stillness.
Bright Red Berries Add a Splash of Color to a Gray Day

  A Nuthatch Rests in the Crook of a Tree