Friday, August 16, 2013

Bridging the Gap


After we returned from an errand run today, Kevin and I were surprised to find this lovely, ethereal luna moth resting amongst the grape vines growing alongside the cabin.  We don't see these big pale green moths very often.  They are so enchanting!  Being creatures of the night, it's uncommon to come across moths in plain sight during the daytime.  The luna moth bridges the light of day and the dark of night.
The very vine where the luna moth is resting creates another bridge from the cabin to the oak tree about 20 feet away that houses our bird feeder.  Each year for three years now, the vine slowly crept along a wire support. It stretches the whole way now, bridging the gap from cabin to tree, creating a lush emerald green archway all the way across.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summertime Beauty

It's said that we are in the "dog days" of summer, but here at the cabin it's the "fawn days."  This morning, we spotted a pair of the speckled beauties munching on the greenery in our back woods.  Fawns are such sweet and gentle creatures, totally unaware of their beauty and the awe they inspire.  We always feel so fortunate to see these precious woodland denizens!
Last week, we discovered a deer we named "Limpy," due to an injured front leg that makes her hobble on her remaining three healthy limbs, had not only survived through winter and spring, but was going strong in summer with a fawn of her own.  Limpy is a devoted Mom and lovingly dotes on her sweet baby who sticks by her side.  After browsing, the two of them bedded down together in a large fern bed that spreads behind our goldfish pond.  It was remarkable to see how healthy Limpy is and how happy she was with her fawn in tow. 

The rains have been plentiful this season, and the summertime flowers are thriving.  My wildflower garden is bursting with the color of black eyed susans and coneflowers, and the butterflies, bees, and flies are enjoying the bounty of nectar they provide.  We also get multiple daily visits from the jewel toned ruby throated hummingbirds that frequent their special feeder of sugar water ... so many sweet tooths!  We're relishing our special summertime visitors and enjoying the beauty they bring to the world around us.