A walk in springtime provides a feast for the senses. Everywhere, new life and beauty abounds. Garden flowers awaken and bloom in vibrant shades. Wildflowers sprinkle color over what was just days earlier a barren looking landscape. Our tulips are open and beautifying our small front garden just in time for celebrating Easter this coming weekend.
The trees are especially colorful in early spring, too. Budding leaves are bright green and some trees are full of blossoms. The graceful red maples that will be so showy with their vibrant red leaves all aglow in autumn, start with a show of color with their tiny seed head clusters in spring. The tell-tale red stems help identify the seeds as those of the red maple.
Wild violets are always a favorite with their purple flower heads so regal yet delicate. Violet flowers are often featured in my paintings.
The May Apples unfurl and open up wide into the greenery that, as kids, we called umbrella plants. Soon the deer will nibble away at the leaves until only the stalks remain.
And finally, the gorgeous Red Bud tree. We are fortunate to have three of these graceful beauties growing alongside our winding driveway. As you peek through the branches in the photograph above, you can catch a glimpse of the farm valley across the road. The fields are now emerald green and such a welcome sight after winter's shades of brown and gray.