With patience and fortitude we reach our goals...
We look forward to becoming fuller, healthier individuals in this new year. It's tempting to make grandiose resolutions and big plans for change, but almost all positive, lasting results in life take time and perseverance.
For many reasons, 2011 was a difficult year for us personally. Health issues, changes in friendships and activities, and the loss of loved ones posed challenges and affected our feelings of well being. Lessons already learned in life were revisited and coping skills put into play. Between the two of us, Kevin and I have over 100 years of wisdom gleaned from our life experiences, but there is still much to learn and many ways to better ourselves and expand our horizons. It's made all the difference to have a loving, supporting partner to journey together through life. We feel so fortunate to have one another!
The start of 2012 provides us all with the opportunity for a fresh outlook...and new ways to make it up that mountain step by step.
HAPPY New Year!!!