The big news of the day is that a 5.9 scale earthquake occurred with its epicenter in Mineral, Virginia (close to Richmond) that was felt all up and down the east coast. When the quake shot its tremors through the underbelly of the earth in our area, I was outdoors snapping photographs of a very lovely (and photogenic!) praying mantis that I'd found while doing some weeding around our goldfish pond. I heard a boom that I couldn't quite place, looked around and went on snapping photos!
When I came indoors to see how my digital photos came out, I received a call from my daughter asking me if I was okay. We'd just spoken last night and I thought it was sweet that she'd call me again so soon. Then came the news of the earthquake, to which I had been totally oblivious. My daughter had even felt the tremors at her workplace up in Massachusetts!
Next, I called my husband and found he was on his way home from work - that they'd felt it down in Rockville, Maryland, too, and he wanted to get back home before any possible after shock event. He arrived home safely, and, so far, all has remained quiet here at our little cabin in the mountains.
So, aside from hearing about it all vicariously, I missed the big earthquake event. A beautiful garden friend and I had a very pleasant photo session instead :)